
Moving House with Children: Expert Tips for a Stress-Free Transition

10 Essential Tips for Smoothly Moving with Children: Insights from Ois Removals

Moving to a new home can be a significant life change, especially when you have children. As a parent, it’s crucial to understand how to support your children through this transition and make it as stress-free as possible. Ois Removals, a trusted removals company, has compiled ten valuable tips to help your children navigate the moving process.

1. Give Them Ample Time

Inform your children about the move early on, allow them sufficient time to process the upcoming change. Use this time to familiarise them with the new house or neighbourhood. Consider arranging visits to the new school, enabling them to become acquainted with their future environment.

2. Involve Them in Decision-making

To foster optimism and excitement in your children, involve them in the decision-making process. Seek their opinions on aspects such as paint colours and room decor. Let older kids join you when viewing potential houses or discuss their preferences for the new home. By including them, you make them feel heard and valued.

3. Plan Around School Holidays

If your children are of school age, it’s beneficial to schedule the move during a holiday period. This minimises disruption to their education. It also provides an opportunity for them to acquaint themselves with the new area or make new friends before starting school.

4. Prioritise Their Belongings

On the moving day, ensure the removal team loads your children’s toys and belongings onto the lorry last. Upon arrival at the new home, these items can be unloaded first, engaging your children and involving them in the unpacking process. Encourage them to keep their toys organised to avoid accidents or misplaced items.

5. Allow Time for Goodbyes

Recognise that children may be emotionally attached to their previous home. Before departing, give them the chance to say goodbye properly, whether by exploring each room or taking a final photo. Creating a memory book with pictures of their old home can also help them process their emotions.

6. Infuse Fun into the Process

Moving day can be stressful, especially for children. Incorporate enjoyable activities and games to make the experience more positive. Decorate moving boxes together, build forts, or play hide-and-seek in the new house. If the journey is long, engage them with car games to uplift their spirits.

7. Unpack Their Rooms First

After arriving at your new home, prioritise unpacking your children’s belongings and setting up their rooms. This helps them feel at home and provides a sense of familiarity with the changes. If you have a garden, consider setting up outdoor play equipment to encourage them to explore and enjoy the new surroundings.

8. Maintain Routines

While moving disrupts daily life, strive to maintain familiar routines for your children. Continue going to bed, eating meals, and engaging in regular family activities at the usual times. Consistency helps children feel secure during the transition. Keeping some furniture and bedding from the previous home can also provide a sense of continuity.

9. Manage Your Stress

Moving can be stressful for adults, but it’s important to manage your stress levels for the sake of your children. Children often pick up on their parents’ emotions, so remaining calm and positive will help them feel more at ease. Reassure your children that the move is an exciting adventure.

10. Foster Open Communication

Maintain ongoing communication with your children throughout the moving process. Encourage them to express their concerns and emotions, even if they seem fine. Keep them informed about the reasons behind the move, the stages involved, and what to expect next. This inclusivity helps alleviate anxiety and allows them to feel more involved.